Saturday, December 13

I miss him. *crying out loud.

yesterday was like disaster. I was lonely. I'd try my best to understand. Siang, i was sleeping. Cause malam nya aher balik, kan kaja kul 6 gi. And, he's working. So yea. Inda betamu bah. *sob.

Hadi antar aku kaja, balik nya kaja tu tarus tah ea antarkan. Then he said, malam ea kan maen cs with his friends kan lawan sama traitor family uh. So, i just let him lah, since his cousin pun ekut jua.

Last night was like, im a loner! Gosh. He's online, but obviously ea away. That game need a concentration. So i texted his cousin saja, its 10.45. I asked either durg still maen kah inda. Then he said, otw balik sudah. Okay, i said asked him to go online. He replied, sabar. Ea driving tu. Hp nya low batt, now mencharging.

Okay, fine. I waited for sejam labih! Malas kan men'text. Cara his cousin texting awal2 atu pun cam teguris hati ku. So biarkan lah. Just wait, he'll be online. Bla bla bla.

And then! Arnd 11.50 i think, baru tah online. Atu pun betanya kul brapa aku punch out. Then he said kul12 ea jalan, that time kul12 plg udah. =S okay, whatever. He waited me di bawah ja. Aku punch-ed out around 12.20 lapas memasuk kan urg. He texted me, tanya aku bhapa diatas, batah kan turun. The way ea tanya tu macam marah. Okay, fine.

Then turun ta ku. Tem lam keta na banyak cakap. He looks moody, malas kan tanya. Kami nada bebon. Being serious ja. I dont know whats wrong with him tem tu. So i just ignore lah. Sampai ja kumah, cam besa. Like, last night tu. Argh. Stressful!

Last night, 1st, kami inda brapa contact. 2nd, he didnt tell me either they're done or not, either he's on his way home, he's going elsewhere. But i just ignore it. 3rd, i asked him go online, but it takes time. Sejam labih. Like, OKAY! You let me keep waiting. Sabar. 4th, he didnt creta pasal that night. He was quite saja time otw home atu.

Urgh! Damn. What the hell had happen last night! I cried. Crying like a baby. Lame!

I MISS YOU SO MUCH BABY! I miss the time we spent the day and night together. I miss laughing, crack-ing, nyaya-ing, annoy-ing with u! Gosh. *crying.

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