Saturday, January 3

Movie; bedtime stories.

Awsome! Lawaaa. Plus a bit cali. All the make up story jadi banar woah. Like some of them gilaa but impressing. Haha. Cam, he knows what will happen next, according to the story he made with the two kids b4 they go to bed. Semua atu jadi banar. Hush. Lawa eh. Rugi if inda leat. *wink.

Thursday, January 1

New year! 2009.

Yeay. Its two thousand nine now. Masa berlalu dengan begitu cepat nya. Memories in 2008 jadi kenangan. Kenangan pahit manis akan sentiasa diingat. Yg baek jadi teladan, inda baek dijadikan pengajaran. Everything that had happen has its own reason, ada hikmat di sebalik semua atu. So learn from the mistake lah.

We're hoping that, this new year, hubungan kami makin kukuh and better. Less klaie or misunderstand. Being more to positive. Trust each other. More jokes in tegur-ing. May all our new resolutions come true and sucess!

The most important thing, that i wanted to highlight here is, he'll quit from smoking! Yeay. And i hope so that he'll make it. But i know you can do it syg, for me. And u'd promise me before, right? Yea its damn right. XP

p/s; i love you more each day sayangg. Hugs.

Thursday, December 25

Maen pool.

Yeay me! Aku pandai udah maen pool. Like, woaa! Aku pandai udah! Haha. Skadars. Thanks to my teacher, ajar aku maen, to my lovely hadi! Haha. Siuk lah maen. But still maen buyuk if i think i cant shoot it. Haha! Nanti2 tah lagi maen. Siuk kali uh. Hehe. Too bad, luan siuk udah tu. Lupa begambar. Haha! Laen kali ta. Hehe. Bah, ane saja dulu. Esuk2 ta ku update lage mun da creta baru. Hehe.

Movie; los dan faun.

Ane lagi gila cerita uhh. Siuk2. I like the part yg bapa si faun *i think, mengajak mama yg tem tu mandi wajib kan mleat creta pasal cowboy. Sekali yg maen ane crita lucah. Atu yg klangkabut kan nutup, sampai becabut wayar nya ganya bah. Haha! Kana kantoi. Au, creta cowboy konon, tau2 bf! Haha. Ngok. Siuk laa.

Movie; yes man!

HA-HA! Cerita nya siuk berabis. Cali lah. Si Jam Carrey tu cam ngok da jua, saying YES to everything. The coolest part, durang buat last minute memilih tempat kan durg lawat. Huhu.Then the stupidest part, the time the girl suruh si Jam jan ampir ara the girl, awal2 na brapa jauh. Then the girl suruh jauh lagi, yth jauh lari nya tuh si Jam uh. Ngok! Haha! But2, siuk lah. Ketawa ganya woaa.

Movie; the day earth stood still.

It was okay. Cool, an alien turn to a human. Huhu. Then like, that tiny thingy tu gila lah. Sunguh nya damit, tapi ea makan semua benda bah. Huhu. But, hadi said, lawa lagi creta the day after tomorrow, kali. If im not mistaken. Hehe.

Woaa, its been a loooooooong time!

Sorry for not updating this blog. I was busy and unavailable! Haha. Him? Paham2 sajaa. Haha. XP okay, here some new story. Tapi, duh. Ceta biasa2 saja. Tehee.

Saturday, December 13

I miss him. *crying out loud.

yesterday was like disaster. I was lonely. I'd try my best to understand. Siang, i was sleeping. Cause malam nya aher balik, kan kaja kul 6 gi. And, he's working. So yea. Inda betamu bah. *sob.

Hadi antar aku kaja, balik nya kaja tu tarus tah ea antarkan. Then he said, malam ea kan maen cs with his friends kan lawan sama traitor family uh. So, i just let him lah, since his cousin pun ekut jua.

Last night was like, im a loner! Gosh. He's online, but obviously ea away. That game need a concentration. So i texted his cousin saja, its 10.45. I asked either durg still maen kah inda. Then he said, otw balik sudah. Okay, i said asked him to go online. He replied, sabar. Ea driving tu. Hp nya low batt, now mencharging.

Okay, fine. I waited for sejam labih! Malas kan men'text. Cara his cousin texting awal2 atu pun cam teguris hati ku. So biarkan lah. Just wait, he'll be online. Bla bla bla.

And then! Arnd 11.50 i think, baru tah online. Atu pun betanya kul brapa aku punch out. Then he said kul12 ea jalan, that time kul12 plg udah. =S okay, whatever. He waited me di bawah ja. Aku punch-ed out around 12.20 lapas memasuk kan urg. He texted me, tanya aku bhapa diatas, batah kan turun. The way ea tanya tu macam marah. Okay, fine.

Then turun ta ku. Tem lam keta na banyak cakap. He looks moody, malas kan tanya. Kami nada bebon. Being serious ja. I dont know whats wrong with him tem tu. So i just ignore lah. Sampai ja kumah, cam besa. Like, last night tu. Argh. Stressful!

Last night, 1st, kami inda brapa contact. 2nd, he didnt tell me either they're done or not, either he's on his way home, he's going elsewhere. But i just ignore it. 3rd, i asked him go online, but it takes time. Sejam labih. Like, OKAY! You let me keep waiting. Sabar. 4th, he didnt creta pasal that night. He was quite saja time otw home atu.

Urgh! Damn. What the hell had happen last night! I cried. Crying like a baby. Lame!

I MISS YOU SO MUCH BABY! I miss the time we spent the day and night together. I miss laughing, crack-ing, nyaya-ing, annoy-ing with u! Gosh. *crying.

Wednesday, December 10

:'/ what to do what to do?

I was thinking about this all night. I just cant stop thinking abt it. Selalu sha ya singah di pikiran ku ne. Entah, napakah ya. Apanah?

Atu bah. The only one thing i want him to do is, "QUIT from SMOKING" thats the only wish i hope for. I used to be an "anti-smoker" but since they said, "if you do love him, it'll not be a big deal to you" like, wth. Hey, i do love you. But, if u do love me too, u'll do anything, i repeat, anything for me, including that, quit smoking ever. I noe its not that easy. But hey, i know you can make it syg.

I just dont want something bad happen to you syg. You know smoking is bad for your body. Like what saiful apek said, its damn true! And, if u notice, yg paling berisiko dapat penyakit atu, urg disekeliling nya. I bet u dont wanna lose me just because of it. Kan?

I just wanna warn u syg, this blog will be the proof. U had promise me to quit smoking by the end of this year. U said, even masa raya pun by buleh branti. But now? Sigh. If by early of january u still smoke, like i said, hny gto mama what the doctor said masa retu. I dont care, if thats the only way.

I just wonder, napa before he can make it but now its hard. Yg before tu, he was supported by his clostest friend. He did make it. But, after he broke up with his ex, ea jadi heavy smoker because of stress. Like. Whatever!

Duh. Okay, case close! Malas kan ngungkit. I failed! I just dont know what to do next. Just biar ea besigup? Keep on ceramahi, marahi or kusuti. I just dont know what to do. Mudahan ta ea sadar, one day nanti. *amin.

Movie; cicakman 2.

Aku bagi, 3/5 lah. Haha. Malas kan cerita about the movie. All i can recommand is, movie tu tluan nampak animasinya. I mean, nampak cam katun. Not like yg part 1, it looks real bah. But not the second part. Yataa. But the time si cicakman lawan the "lama-lama" nampak cha gagah nya. Lawaa! Haha.

Okay, fyi, we'll always watch latest movie ara cinema. Since i work there. And i can watch for FREE! And i'll bring him along too. Whee. Free movies sygg. Wink.